How does KiwiSaver work for self-employed
Self-employed and KiwiSaver
You don’t have to be an employee to be part of KiwiSaver, but the rules are a bit different.
If you will not receive PAYE income as a contractor – for example, if you are going to invoice for your contract work – your employment status will change to self-employed and you will not be required to make any contributions to your KiwiSaver account.
KiwiSaver is very flexible if you’re self-employed. You’re not required to contribute a set percentage of your pay. Instead you can agree your contribution level with your KiwiSaver provider. Some providers may have minimum contribution requirements. You can either:
- make lump sum payments when you choose, or
- set up regular payments.
If you’re self-employed you can enjoy all the benefits of KiwiSaver except the employer contributions.
When you join:
- You’ll receive the $1,000 kick-start payment, and
- If you’re eligible, the Government will pay an annual member tax credit.
- You’ll be able to take advantage of the first home buyer’s benefits if you’re eligible.
You’ll need to join directly with a KiwiSaver provider of your choice by requesting an investment statement and completing an enrolment form.
Find out more about How does KiwiSaver work for self-employed? – Self-employed – your guide to KiwiSaver KS12
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I trust that the above has been informative and if there is any aspect that you wish to discuss further please contact us.
Disclaimer: This publication has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The publication should not be relied upon to provide specific information without also obtaining appropriate professional advice after detailed examination of your particular situation.